I'm building a spaceship!


Well... Sort of.

I'm building an adventure with a spaceship simulator in a caravan.

"But why? How?"
- Everyone

Why? To combine everything!


Slowly but steady I'm making progress.

Picking up the caravan in The Netherlands.
caravan progress

First modification!
caravan progress

The caravan can now stand on it's own! And we can unhook it from the car.
caravan progress

A dirty carvavan with a plank instead of a window.
caravan progress

Cleaned, now the wood.
caravan progress

Doesn,t come off when unscrewed so let's split it in parts.
caravan progress

That worked, now the glue.
caravan progress

Hot airgun does some wonders.
caravan progress

Remaining glue needs a different approach.
caravan progress

Result of our demolition on top of the other mess.
caravan progress

It is everywhere.
caravan progress

caravan progress

Cleaning up.
caravan progress

Cleaning up.
caravan progress

Time to make some space.
caravan progress

More demolition.
caravan progress

Does it ever stop?
caravan progress

It doesn't.
caravan progress

It's a battle between removing walls and not destroying the caravan.
caravan progress